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Because it takes a village.

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become a village teacher

There is more than one way to become an teacher just like there is more than one way to teach at The Village Teacher. You need not have a teaching degree to get started. Our classes and programs are built by the community for the community. That means we work with experts from a variety of fields, working to give you an understanding of pedagogy and best educational practices so that you can share your unique skills, tools, and perspectives with students that might not normally have access or opportunity.


High School, College, or under-Graduate student looking for service hours? Professional with skills, tools, and a desire to give back to the community? The Village Teacher is built on the idea that 


Teacher looking to get amplified on a broader platform and network? Aspiring teacher looking to build their skills, tools, and reputation? Through the Village Schoolhouse, we will help you develop your program and curriculum, as well as connect you with communities looking for what you are teaching. Village Teacher will help provide you with online and in-person platforms for teaching, as well as amplify the work you are doing across the many communities that make up our village.  Learn more...

Intern and Mentorships

Considering becoming a teacher? Looking to expand your craft? Want one-on-one mentorship from a Master Teacher Mentor while also getting hands-on experience in the classroom? Village Teacher offers opportunities for aspiring educators to bring their 

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